The meeting took place on 25.09.2013, under the auspices of the Deputy Minister for Administrative Reform and E-Government, with stakeholders that have responded with written contributions to the evaluation of the current action plan and the formation of coming one. There was an open call for contributions through the national OGP site ( and by personalised mail to 15 entities (list available). 8 of the them answered and participated to the actual meeting:
Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA, stating there is a need for a more effective legislation on access to information. HDPA called for active policies on government systems’ security and defended the importance of privacy on the open data agenda.
The Greek Ombudsman ( underlining the need to enlarge the scope of the existing laws on information access, to codify the various deadlines of reply from the public administration, especially on issues of state aid and subsidies
Greek Regions Association (EN.P.E) insisting on the legal and operational fragmentation of regional control mechanisms that heavily reduces their efficacy and urging the use of digital signatures and electronic documents in public administration.
Transparency International Greece ( supporting the need for a more robust legislation on access to information laws and the introduction of Digital Public Administration Code that will cover all the related issues. Proposing the introduction of the role of the Information Commissioner and a new legislation on whistleblowing.
National Confederation of People with Disabilities ( analysing the various limitations of access to online public information (through the main government portals) for people with disabilities and proposing their redesign.
Federation of Hellenic Information Technology & Communications Enterprises (SEPE emphasizing need for private sector transparency, namely the banking system, insisting on naming the actors in charge of future OGP commitments and elaborating a series of actions on open data access and reuse.
Greek Free / Open Source Software Society (GFOSS, discussing on enlarging the scope of Diavgeia in order to cover the complete lifecycle of public expenditures, opening data in specific areas for open, public, live information and transaction with citizens and companies and, finally, the simplification and digitisation of public administration procedures.
This experience of various stakeholders discussing on OGP commitments and values, coming with very different agendas and showed the serious limitations of this methodology: a) limited public broadcast, b) minimum impact on the OGP commitments and absence of interactivity, c) no time for exchange and discussion