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Governing on Openness – Informal networks

#heroic Snowden (5:45)
Snowden’s actions can create a crack of optimism and encourage more people to come out with such information.
#whistleblowing (9:30)
We need to provide some kind of protection and secure a future for people who reveal info.
#luther blisset (q) (10:55)
Changing sides, reacting on existing order, defying existing mechanisms.
Support new organisation practices
#informal networks (13:00)
Formal networks are appearing with steady missions, agenda and practices.
Actors from such networks can form new kind of networks which can be
infomal or non formal, attaching to few, or no particular, rules of
networking. The context, and the way formal networks propagate into it, is also to be dynamically understood. Meeting people within a certain pre specified context, be it work or family, can be a very restraining experience. Spontaneous networks (exchange of info in streets, metro tickets) are interesting examples of ad
hoc, unexpected formation of bonds, relations and info exchange.
#thought experiment (23:25)
Guess what other people will choose to do, in order to do it together for maximum impact. Actions that are not necessarily orchestrated by central organisations, or acknowledeged desires. In this sense these formless, multi identity events are closer to genuine political actions, nowdays.
#english as a universal language (33:00)
Languages are not dead, but can form “informal networks” in existing
languages (locally, thematically). Also memes can act as building blocks of a code of communication that transcends language and other barriers, especially in the case of images or facial expressions.
#language learning (38:30)
Social convention places a disproportionate importance on correct writing and spelling as a criterion for whether WHAT you say is correct or not. This is a false understanding of how learning and communication happens. Mixing languages, inventing slang and idioms, allowing for “faults” in a context of rigid education. Navaho language, the case of understanding “motherhood” through people and nature
#family structure (45:20)
Two people are not enough to raise children, you would need a village.
Extended family of the past – what kind of family for the future?
Resonating with other people remains very political, other people can help us at times and in ways that we do not expect.

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